Peter Hladký: The charity concert for the city of Sumy in Ukraine

The charity concert for the city of Sumy in Ukraine

We had a nice experience on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, and we realized the "Power of Music". 

There is a very interesting, magical, public place in the center of the city called "Záhrada" (The Garden). It was a ruined place between old houses and a group of volunteers rebuilt it after the changes in 1989 and created a public, community place where people can come and sit for a couple of coffee or beer in the garden, meet friends, and talk - small children can play there - there is also a small fountain on the ground. There are held public events like concerts, and discussions with interesting people - politicians or influencers or philosophers, journalists, etc. It is a very nice place filled with positive energy.

We were at the concert there on Wednesday afternoon until the night. It is an interesting story representing the Power of Music. 

There is a group called The Carpenter Ants from West Virginia. They were in Slovakia several times. Our Rotary Club is in partnership with the Rotary Club in Charleston, WV, and the city of Banska Bystrica is in partnership with the city of Sumy in Ukraine.

So, the city of Banska Bystrica, the Rotary Club from Charleston, VW, our Rotary Club Banska Bystrica, and the group Carpenter Ants from VW organized the charity concert in the Garden. The Rotary club Banska Bystrica gave 500 € and the RC from Charleston, VW gave 500 USD to support the Ukraine city Sumy. The city Banska Bystrica established a bank account to support Sumy city through a public collection.  

Our Ukrainian friends - refugees the RC Banska Bystrica takes care of them came to the concert and prepared food for people. It was free but people could give some money to support the city of Sumy. We collected an additional several hundred EUROS for Sumy city.

One of the refugees from Ukraine sang the Ukraine song and deserved hearty applause.

The Carpenter Ants - Michael Lipton (gtr), Larry Groce (gtr), Mark Bates (keyboard), Ted Harrison (bass), and Jupie Little (drums) contributed to the nice atmosphere of the charity event full of positive emotions. The attached photos show the atmosphere in the Garden.

Text: ©Peter Hladký

Photo: ©Peter Hladký


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